Tuesday, April 25, 2017

YouthvGov., team on Capital Hill

 The plaintiffs and staff of the Our Children's Trust federal climate change lawsuit spent the day meeting with senators and touring the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. 

Plaintiffs Avery and Hazel listen as Oregon's Senator Ron Wyden speaks with them in the hallway outside his office. 
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island met with the plaintiffs and staff inside a conference room in his office.
Plaintiff Nathan Baring of Alaska jokes with Sen. Whitehouse about the size differance of their respective states.
Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont was spotted walking in the tunnels under the Capitol Building. He seemed in a rush and only gave a little wave to the startled OCT team.
Plaintiffs Nathan and Nick seem to enjoy their ride on a trolly in the tunnels under the Capitol Building.
The familiar face of Sen. John McCain of Arizona was spotted as he was surrounded by a gaggle of journalist.
Plaintiffs Avery and Sahara enjoy a dance after their meeting with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse.
Plaintiff Nick is an amazing kid. So full of life, humor, and questions. 

Youth plaintiffs Hazel and Nathan dressed for success for their day on the Hill.

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