Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Climate kids take on the federal government

 Plaintiff KELSEY JULIANA holds hands with two younger plaintiffs during  a press conference on the steps of the Federal Courthouse in Eugene on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016. Twenty-one youth plaintiffs, with the help of Our Children's Trust are suing the federal government in an attempt to force science based action on climate change.


Spectators watch a press conference on the steps of the Federal Courthouse in Eugene.

Plaintiff Xiuhtezcatl Martinez  speaks at the press conference. 

Lead attorney JULIA OLSON speaks as plaintiffs and attorneys hold hold a press conference on the steps of the Federal Courthouse.

Climate scientist Dr. JAMES HANSEN stands with his granddaughter and plaintiff SOPHIE KIVLEHAN. 
My son Alex Loznak, right, looks over his statement with co-plaintiff and friend Jacob Lebel on the steps of the courthouse.
A large crowd watches the press conference.
Plaintiff LEVI DRAHEIM is interviewed.

Plaintiff VICTORIA BARRETT speaks during the press conference.
Members of the media do their thing.

Plaintiff JACOB LEBEL speaks.
Plaintiff Alex Loznak speaks.

JAYNEN FOYTLIN speaks at the press conference.
Plaintiff KELSEY JULIANA speaks,...

and makes some noise during the press conference.

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