Wednesday, March 9, 2016

21 climate kids take on the feds and big oil

Plaintiffs, attorneys and supporters gather on the steps of the federal courthouse in Eugene on Wednesday, March 9, 2016 after U.S. magistrate Thomas Coffin heard oral arguments in their case against the federal government. The case involves 21 youth plaintiffs demanding the U.S. government take science based action against climate change. 
KELSEY JULIANA speaks  on the steps of the federal courthouse in Eugene after the hearing.
Climate scientist JAMES HANSEN speaks on the steps of the federal courthouse in Eugene. Hansen is taking an active role in helping make a science based argument in the case.
Plaintiff and climate change activist XIUHTEZCALT MARTINEZ stands with attorneys and other plaintiffs during the press conference after the hearing.
Lead attorney JULIA OLSON of Our Children's Trust speaks, as youth plaintiffs look on during a press conference on the steps of the federal courthouse in Eugene after U.S. magistrate Thomas Coffin heard oral arguments in their case against the federal government.
James Hansen with plaintiffs outside the courthouse. 
A huge crowd of supporters gathered outside the courthouse after the hearing.
The youth plaintiffs after the hearing.
Learn more here.

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