Thursday, August 23, 2012

Looking back

That's me in about 1992 while I worked at my first job as the staff photographer at The Daily Astorian in Astoria, Ore.

One of my best sports photos from my days at The Michigan Daily student newspaper at The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.  That's Glen Rice on the left during at game in Atlanta the year Michigan won the NCAA tournament in 1989.  

In 1992, before he was elected president, Bill Clinton is pelted with roses at the end of a campaign speech in downtown Portland, Ore. Taken during my first newspaper job at The Daily Astorian. 
Firefighter battle a massive fire at the shuttered Bumblebee Seafoods plant on the waterfront in Astoria, Ore., in 1992.  Back then I always slept with my police scanner on. 
After I graduated from U of M I traveled for a while in south Asia. This is one of my favorite photos from northwestern India.

One of the first photos of mine published in The Ann Arbor News in 1989. I had been working for The Michigan Daily student newspaper for a few years, but this was one of my first photos in a "real" newspaper.

That's me taking a photo of a dead fish during a field trip at The University of Michigan's biology research station.  I took a class called "Photography for Field Biologists" during a spring term. It's the only photo class I've ever taken.
That's me, near the front of the boat in the background, on the front page of the Oregonian in 1991 in a photo by Brent Wojahn when I worked in Astoria.  The guy had rowed his boat to Oregon from Japan.

A behind the scene tour during filming of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie in Astoria in about 1991.

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