Friday, August 31, 2012

Assassin in the garden

An assassin bug climbs from a dahlia bloom to a leaf at a park near Roseburg, Ore., on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012.  The predatory assassin bug uses its long beak-like rostrum to inject lethal saliva into it's prey. A related species of insect, known as "kissing bugs", are responsible for spreading Chagas disease found in Mexico, Central America and South America.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Northern spotted owl with mouse

This morning I was editing some of my Northern Spotted Owl photos for a possible sale when I found this photo.  I didn't include it in my original edit when I took the photos last year. Not a good day for the mouse, but the parent owl is taking it to her hungryg owlets in a nearby tree.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My photo published in The Netherlands

It's my photo published on a news website in The Netherlands.  It was picked up from  They changed my caption a little and Google translates what they wrote to, "If it's a real tiger, would this cat probably not risk, but it is a cute picture."

Cat bed

Our cat "Eclipse" gets comfy and naps on a toy plush stuffed tiger at our home near Roseburg, Ore.  My son was clearing out his room and decided he doesn't want the tiger anymore, but now Eclipse has claimed it for his bed.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Family gathering

I was hired to shoot a family gathering near Roseburg last weekend.  I've never shot one before, but it was fun with lots of kids and dogs running around.

Grandkids! I set up a simple lighting kit in the back yard and shot portraits.

I'm a Roseburg, Ore., commercial, editorial, wedding, nature, and family reunion photographer. Check out my website to see more of my award winning photography.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A yellow fellow

A European honey bee forages on a sunflower at a sunflower at a county park near Roseburg, Ore., on Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012. picked up one of the bee photos for their Pictures of the Day gallery.

Looking back

That's me in about 1992 while I worked at my first job as the staff photographer at The Daily Astorian in Astoria, Ore.

One of my best sports photos from my days at The Michigan Daily student newspaper at The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.  That's Glen Rice on the left during at game in Atlanta the year Michigan won the NCAA tournament in 1989.  

In 1992, before he was elected president, Bill Clinton is pelted with roses at the end of a campaign speech in downtown Portland, Ore. Taken during my first newspaper job at The Daily Astorian. 
Firefighter battle a massive fire at the shuttered Bumblebee Seafoods plant on the waterfront in Astoria, Ore., in 1992.  Back then I always slept with my police scanner on. 
After I graduated from U of M I traveled for a while in south Asia. This is one of my favorite photos from northwestern India.

One of the first photos of mine published in The Ann Arbor News in 1989. I had been working for The Michigan Daily student newspaper for a few years, but this was one of my first photos in a "real" newspaper.

That's me taking a photo of a dead fish during a field trip at The University of Michigan's biology research station.  I took a class called "Photography for Field Biologists" during a spring term. It's the only photo class I've ever taken.
That's me, near the front of the boat in the background, on the front page of the Oregonian in 1991 in a photo by Brent Wojahn when I worked in Astoria.  The guy had rowed his boat to Oregon from Japan.

A behind the scene tour during filming of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie in Astoria in about 1991.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Skipper butterfly season

A skipper butterfly feeds using its long proboscis on a flower at a county park near Roseburg, Ore., on Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012. Skipper butterflies are named after their quick darting flight habits. 
It must be skipper butterfly season, because there were hundreds scooting about the zinnia flowers at the park.
Skipper butterfly fun fact from wikipedia: Many species of skipper butterflies look frustratingly alike. The only reliable method of telling them apart involves dissection and examination of their genitalia, which have species specific characteristics that prevent mating between species. 

Hummingbird on a wire

Tweet! It's my hummingbird photo in this week's Animal Tracks gallery on  I've taken pictures of hummingbirds in this same area a few times, and I'm always happy with the pictures.  Despite what the caption on the page says, I was not in Texas when I took the photo.  I was in good old Oregon.  

Monday, August 20, 2012

You lookin' at me?

It's my photo, via, in the Weekly Animals gallery on

Rigid Strong - Ultra Cool

 My commercial photography used in recent advertisements for wood products.  Design by Creative Media Group for Roseburg Forest Products.

Friday, August 17, 2012

High speed destruction

A cheap Chinese made "Dollar Store" figurine is blown into pieces during a demonstration of high speed ballistics on a private shooting range near Roseburg, Ore., on Friday, Aug. 17, 2012.
The figures were hit with hollow-point .22 long rifle rounds.  

Seeing the Rubik's cube fly into pieces was sweet revenge for hours of wasted time in my youth.

The lion was very tough and took three rounds before he was disintegrated.

Killer cat

As a chicken walks nearby, a female domestic cat feeds on a wild rabbit she caught and killed an a farm in rural Douglas County near Roseburg, Ore., on Friday Aug. 17, 2012. picked up the photo for their Pictures of the Day gallery.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Nectar seeker

A rufous hummingbird feeds on the nectar of a flowering fuschia bush near a farmhouse on a ranch near Elkton, Ore., on Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012.. Rufous hummingbirds spend the winter in Mexico and south Texas. In the spring they are known to migrate as far north as south-central Alaska.
The hummingbird appears to take a short nap on a nearby barbed-wire fence.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Alien invasion?

  The unique pattern on the abdomen of a black and yellow garden spider is highlighted by dew drops as the large spider hangs in its  web in a field on a ranch near Elkton.

My collection of spider pictures continues.

My photos on

I've got a couple of photos in this week's Animal Tracks gallery on

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Buzz buzz

It's my photo in the New York Post's Weekly Animals gallery.  It seems they left something out of the caption. I believe there are about 7 Douglas Counties in the United States. 

Totally crepuscular

Crepuscular rays of light cut through thick morning fog on a hillside forested with Douglas fir trees near Elkton, Ore., on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012. The word crepuscular comes from the Latin "crepusculum" meaning twilight and refers to streaming rays of light which are sometimes obvious at dusk and dawn. (Thanks Wikipedia!)
Same scene from a new perspective a few minute later.