Monday, January 31, 2011

Molly B eludes death again

A few years ago, while I was the photo editor at The Great Falls Tribune, a report came over the police scanner of a cow running through town.  After an all-day chase the cow was captured, but the her story gained national attention and my photos ran, via the Associated Press, all over the world.  The cow was named Molly B and saved from slaughter. She has lived the last few years at an animal rescue facility in Montana.  The facility recently hit hard times and Molly has been saved once again from near death.  Here is the AP story of her new adventure.
After Molly's original escape a couple of local disc jockeys in Great Falls set her story to song and we turned it into an amazing slide show.  The Molly B story was one of the highlights of my 19-year career as a newspaper photographer.

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