Wednesday, September 14, 2022

In flight entertainment

An American kestrel takes flight from a tree overlooking a pasture along a country road near Elkton in southwestern Oregon. The American kestrel is the smallest falcon in North America. 


Friday, September 9, 2022

Handsome fella

A male black-tailed deer forages in a pasture along a country road near Elkton in southwestern Oregon. A strand of “velvet” from the buck’s newly formed antlers hangs down along the buck's face.

A fawn looks up from tall grass while foraging in the pasture.


Reflected sunset

Evening sunlight reflects off the Umpqua River as a great blue heron stands on a rock in the middle of the stream near Elkton in southwestern Oregon. Wildfire smoke from several fires burning in southern Oregon are causing colorful sunsets in the area.


Escape velocity

Ducks take flight from the surface of the Umpqua River near Elkton in southwestern Oregon. 


Monday, September 5, 2022

International award: Le Prix de la Photographie

My photo from the tornado destruction in Mayfield, Kentucky has won a silver award in the Le Prix de la Photographie, Paris 2022. Not something I was expecting. Thanks to ZUMA Press for entering my work. I was in Mayfield documenting relief efforts for Heart to Heart International.


The light was right

The late afternoon sun highlights a black-tailed deer as it drinks along the bank of the Umpqua River near Elkton in southwestern Oregon.


Sunday, September 4, 2022

I can help!

Dusk falls as a black-tailed deer fawn helps groom its twin on a hillside in SW Oregon.


Thursday, September 1, 2022

Pictures of the Month at

 My photo from the McKinney wildfire in California leads the August, 2022 Pictures of the Month gallery at ZUMApress.

An amazing selection of the best photojournalism from around the world. Watch the slideshow to see a few more of my pictures.

Eat your greens

A small brush rabbit feeds at the edge of a pasture along the Umpqua River near Elkton in rural southwestern Oregon. Brush Rabbits are found along the Pacific coast from Washington south through Baja California, Mexico. 


Flicker fight

A pair of northern flickers have a disagreement from a fencepost perch along a pasture near Elkton in southwestern Oregon. Flickers are in the woodpecker family and found across much of North America.