Tuesday, August 31, 2010

White backround portraits

I had a great portrait session with four awesome women in my studio yesterday. The four are cancer survivors and will be featured in an upcoming informational advertising campaign for a local non-profit.

I've never shot with a pure white background before.  It took a little experimenting, but the result is pretty cool.  

I'm available for portraits in my Roseburg studio or on location. Check my website for rates.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Handmade skeleton doll

The multi-talented Christiane Cegavske has completed another very cool handmade skeleton doll. We had a doll fashion shoot over the weekend. This one-of-a-kind doll was made on commission.

 Christiane is a painter, clothing designer, animator, and poet. She sells handmade and made-to-order items on her Etsy page. Check out a photo shoot with some of her handmade clothing here.
 The little pocket mouse is so cute. A fashion shoot with a doll is similar to with a living person. 

 Christiane sculpted the skeleton head.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Greening from ear to ear

A wild Pacific tree frog keeps cool in the South Umpqua River in Winston on Wednesday.
Check out more of my critter pictures here.

Leaf me alone

One of my pictures is featured on msnbc.com's Animal Tracks slide show again this week.  A blooming artichoke is an amazing color.  

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hop to it

My grasshopper photo is currently featured on msnbc.com's Animal Tracks web gallery.  Check out this cool video on about msnbc.com's Week in Pictures gallery.  I'm interviewed in the video.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Bugs Life on an Artichoke

On slow days at my Roseburg photo studio I can always find something to shoot.  In this case I photographed the insect activity on a single artichoke flower. 

 The colors and shapes of the artichoke flower are amazing.
 The spider was hiding in a folded leaf on the artichoke.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Blackberry Hopper

I found this interesting little grasshopper while blackberry picking this afternoon near my house. I recently read that grasshopper populations in parts of the country are the highest they've been in the last 30 years.  I can believe it by the hundreds I'm seeing in my yard and garden.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Itsy bitsy frog

I found this little frog hanging around a pond near one of my favorite blackberry picking spots today.
It's a juvenile Pacific Tree Frog.  He was about the size of a fingertip. You can find more or my critter pictures here.  LIMITED EDITION prints are available from the gallery.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cell phone photo at the market

I snapped this shot of the Pike Place Market with my Droid phone.  I punched up the colors a little in Photoshop, but it sure looks nice.  If the cell phone technology keeps improving maybe in a few years I can stop lugging around my $4000 Nikon.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Photo Safari at Pike Place Market

I visited the Pike Place Market in Seattle this afternoon. 

It's a fun place to people watch and look for interesting colors and shapes.

 This is the original Starbucks coffee store. 

  My photos are represented by Zuma Press.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The greatest show

Check out this slide show of my recent animal and nature pictures.  Framed prints are available from the gallery.

Attack of the garden spiders

 (Apologies to any arachnophobes)
Our garden is overrun with huge black and yellow garden spiders. Although scary to look at, according to Wikipedia, they're harmless to humans.

The garden is also overrun with weeds, but that's another matter. 

The grasshoppers are thick this year and the spiders are feasting. 

Check out more of my nature and animal pictures here.  Prints are available directly from the online gallery.

Friday, August 6, 2010

County fair

The Douglas County Fair is going on this week in Roseburg.  I love shooting at the fair. It's like a little slice of Norman Rockwell's American dream.

A happy pig in the swine barn.

 My new Nikon D3s is amazing in low light. The monkey photo above is shot at 4000 ISO.

 Square dancers demonstrate their fast footwork.

Newly born piglets have a meal in the swine barn at the fair.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dream Home

I've been shooting another dream home for sale near Roseburg.  The house has huge windows in the back. This one is listed for under 2 million.  If I keep shooting photos of dream homes maybe someday I'll buy or build one.

A small river runs through the property.
The great room is really great.
Understated from the front.  Check out more of my commercial photography on my website.