Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Don't look back

SFGate.com used one of my fish ladder photos on their Day in Pictures site today.

Gosling Season

The Canada goose goslings are hatching in Roseburg. Spring must have arrived. It took a while, but this cute little guy showed his face this afternoon. Check out more of my nature picture here. Limited edition prints available.

Spring Chinook Salmon

I love taking pictures at the Winchester Dam fish ladder on the North Umpqua River near Roseburg. The amazing spring Chinook are running.
I sell limited edition prints of selected nature pictures. Check out the slide show below...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Washington, D.C., snapshots

We got back home at 3:30 a.m. from Washington, D.C. My feet hurt from all the walking, but my son and his classmates had a great time.
Being a chaperon for a group of middle school kids is hard work.

Next time I'll go to D.C. on my own in the off season.

Friday, April 23, 2010

In Washington, D.C.

I'm in Washington, D.C., for the week. I took this last night at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial looking over the reflecting pool towards the Washington Monument. Classic angle.

I'm here as a chaperone with my son's 7th-grade class from Elkton Middle School. It's a whirlwind tour with a bunch 0f young teens. Today we tour the White House, Arlington National Cemetery, and the Newseum. More monuments on The Mall at night.
An Elkon student and teacher make an etching at the Vietnam War Memorial.

Since I'm on this trip as a parent and chaperone, I'm not shooting with by best photo gear. I'm using a Canon G10 advanced point and shoot camera. It's a great little devise. I shot the top photo with a 15-second exposure.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Senior Portraits with Elizabeth

We shot on location at her home and on her grandfather's ranch northwest of Roseburg.

Elizabeth's mom picked this location behind their house. I love the lush mysterious look.

I'm available for senior portraits or any other type of portraits. I have a small photography studio in Roseburg, Oregon. Check my website for rates.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The slowest lawn mower in the world

The San Francisco Chronicle's website SFGate.com picked up my squirrel photo yesterday. I really love the way they sometimes re-write the captions in the Day in Pictures. Funny stuff.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Party in Roseburg

I covered the Tea Party Tax Day demonstration in Roseburg this afternoon. Several hundred people showed up on the front steps of the Douglas County Court House to exercise their First Amendment rights.
My photojournalism is now represented by Zuma Press.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A drive in the county

I had a slow day at my Roseburg photo studio today so I took a drive in the country. I took the back way up to Glide, Ore., along the North Bank Road. The critters were out enjoying the spring weather.

Check out more of my animals and nature pictures. I have special limited addition prints available for purchase online on my merchant site.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Photo Booth with Dead Celebrities

I took my photo booth to the Umpqua Partners Truth, Lies and Videotapes event at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg on Friday. We had a great time taking pictures with the "dead celebrities". The mission of Umpqua Partners is to reduce and prevent alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse through collaboration and advocacy, promoting healthy lifestyles and drug-free environments in Douglas County, Oregon.

Learn more about renting the photo booth for your event here.
View the entire gallery from the Truth, Lies and Videotape event.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ranch Life

It's calving season on our ranch. This little guy was so cute taking a nap in the pasture behind our house this afternoon.
Check out more of my critter pictures here

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What you wanna do?

April 7, 2010 - Tyee, Oregon, USA- A turkey vulture basks in the morning sun while perched on a dead tree. The carrion eating turkey vulture is found in most of the Americas. In North America it is also know as the turkey buzzard or just buzzard. (Credit Image: © Robin Loznak)

I know most people think vultures are revolting, but they serve a vital job in nature, and I think they're cool.
So did Walt Disney...

See more of my nature pictures and order reprints here.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Pretty in a pink tree

APRIL 5, 2010 - Oakland, Oregon, USA- A house cat named Leon sits on a limb in a flowering crabapple tree in front of a home in Oakland, Oregon on Monday, April 5, 2010. (Credit Image: © Robin Loznak)

I shot this on Monday moring on my way to my Roseburg photo studio. Cats are so cool. Check out more of my critter and nature pictures. Framed prints available.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Fern Gully

I'm always looking for patterns in nature. The new ferns are loving the recent wet weather. The vibrant greens are amazing. The sun came out for a few minutes this afternoon and I went for a walk in the woods. Order framed prints here.

Pretty in Pink

Calli, 5, slowed down for about 90 seconds for a few studio portraits yesterday. Book your portrait session at my Roseburg photography studio. Sitting fees start at $49.

Steampunk Fashion

Photo shoot with my multi-talented sister-in-law Christiane Cegavske at my studio yesterday. She's an award winning animator, clothing designer, artist and doll maker. She recently animated a very cool music video for musician Mark Growden.

Check out more of her Steampunk inspired fashion here.

Be sure to check out more of my award winning photography. 
I also have prints of many of my animal and nature pictures available here.